Contribution: Torahiko Ogawa
Source: Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum Peace Memorial Museum
View GalleryPhotographer: Kazuma Hayashi
Contributor: Association of the Photographers of the Atomic (Bomb) Destruction of Hiroshima
Photo provider: Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
View GalleryApprox. 500 m. from the hypocenter
Photo: Hidetsugu Aihara
Contributor: Saitama Heiwa Shiryokan
Photo provider: Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum Peace Memorial Museum
View GalleryThe first photograph that was taken after the atomic bomb exploded. Taken from the ground at the Kawanami Shipyard.
Photo provider: Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum Peace Memorial Museum
View GalleryPhotographer: Yotsugi Kawahara
Distance from the hypocenter: 300 m.
Contributor: Association of the Photographers of the Atomic (Bomb) Destruction of Hiroshima
Photo provider: Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
View GalleryThe cathedral was totally destroyed. Two thirds of the parishioners died.
Photo provider: Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum Peace Memorial Museum
View GalleryThe photographic and educational exhibition was located at the Duushús Cultural Centre in Reykjanesbær and was open from the 6th of November to the 16th of December. 1059 guests visited the exhibition and 289 pupils from 10 classes of the 9th and 10th class of elementary school, who came with their teachers and worked on projects [...]
MoreAccording to our countings and the best estimates from the four venues a total of appr. 11.200 guests visited and viewed the exhibition during the over 4 months´ opening period. Of that number approximately 1.900 students from all levels (elementary, secondary and university) worked on assignments related to the exhibition after their specially organized study-visits.
MoreSamkvæmt talningum og mati stjórnenda sýningarsvæða heimsóttu um 11.200 manns sýninguna á Íslandi, þar af um 1.900 nemendur af öllum skólastigum sem komu í sérskipulagðar námsheimsóknir og unnu verkefni út frá sýningunni og efni hennar.
MoreNagasaki Peace Memorial Hall for the Atomic Bomb