About the Exhibition
An open lecture with Mr. Gareth Evans: “Why we should eliminate nuclear weapons”
Opinn fyrirlestur Gareth Evans: „Af hverju er nauðsynlegt að útrýma kjarnorkuvopnum?“
Mr. Inosuke Hayasaki’s address at the Candle Floating Ceremony on the 9th of August
Ávarp Inosuke Hayasaki við kertafleytinguna, 9. ágúst
Director of Nagasaki Memorial Hall
Educational Material
About the Attacks
The Nuclear Bomb
Outline of Atomic Bomb Damage
The Dawn of the Nuclear Age
Toward the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons
Exhibition finished in Reykjanesbær
11.200 guests visited thereof 1.900 students worked on related assignments
11.200 heimsóttu sýninguna, þar af 1.900 nemendur sem unnu verkefni tengd sýningunni
Sýningu lokið í Reykjanesbæ
Opening ceremony in the Duushús Cultural Centre
Reykjavík Cultural Night, 18th of August
Önnur myndasöfn
Opening Ceremony at the Reykjanes Art Museum at the Duushús Cultural Centre
Opnun sýningar í Duushusi Reykjanesbæ
Opening and overview of the exhibition at Hof Akureyri
Opnun og yfirlit sýningar í Hofi Akureyri
Scouts from 8 countries participate in the exhibition’s closing ceremony at the University of Iceland